lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

BRAVE NEW WORLD Burlington 2º Bachillerato

You are welcomed if you send some questions AND answers on the book. Share out you ideas !!! Dateline 27 October

9 comentarios:

  1. - Why Bernard Marx didn't have any relationship with the rest of people? Because his thoughts are different, he didn't believe in sleep-taught truth and he didn't think that a woman is a piece of meat.

    - At first , was Lenina with Bernard or with Foster? At first she had a relationship with foster but after with Bernard.

    - Was Fanny a Linda's friend or a Lenina's friend? Fanny was a Lenina's friend.

    -What was the conexion between John the Savage with the Director? The Director was the father of John

    -How did the Director feel when he met his son? He felt humiliated and helpness, because everybody was laughing at him. And he finally resigned.

  2. -Say who is the author, year and genre of the novel.
    The author of "Brave new world" is Aldous Huxley, this novel was published in 1932 and the genre is science fiction.

    - What are the main themes?
    1. The dangers of an All-Powerful State.
    2. The incompatibility of happiness and truth.
    3. The consumer society
    4. The use of technology to control society.

    - How are children in the Nursery conditioned to dislike books and flowers?
    By sounding alarms and shocking the children when they approach books or flowers.

    - Why are Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson friends?
    Both feel alienated from world state society.

    - How does Bernard convince Lenina to go on a date with him?
    By inviting her to visit a savage reservation.

    - Why was Linda attacked by the other woman of the village in the reservation?
    Because she slept with their husbands.

    - Why is Helmholtz first criticized by the world state authorities?
    He writes a poem about solitude.

    - What did Mustapha Mond do that almost got him exiled to a island?
    He conducted scientific experiments.

    - What motivates John's suicide at the end of the novel?
    His participation in a soma-driven orgy.

  3. - How are children in the Nursery conditioned to dislike books and flowers?
    By sounding alarms and shocking the children when they approach books or flowers

    -Why are Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson friends?
    Both feel alienated from World State society

    -How does Bernard convince Lenina to go on a date with him?
    By inviting her to visit a Savage Reservation

    -Why was Linda attacked by the other women of the village in the Reservation?
    Because she slept with their husbands

    -Why is Helmholtz first criticized by the World State authorities?
    He writes a poem about solitude.

    -What did Mustapha Mond do that almost got him exiled to an island?
    He conducted scientific experiments.

    -What motivates John’s suicide at the end of the novel?
    His participation in a soma-driven orgy

  4. The questions are:

    -How does Lenina react to observing the Savage religious ritual?

    She is horrified

    -What is the name of the feely that John watches on his date with Lenina?

    Three Weeks in a Helicopter

    -What is the lesson of the Cyprus experiment described by Mustapha Mond?

    A society of Alphas is unworkable.

    -What is the purpose of the religious ritual performed by the Savages?

    To bring rain

  5. In which classes people are divided at the "Brave New World" society?

    In Gamas, Betas, Deltas and Epsilons

  6. *Why did Jhon try to stop the people from taking soma?
    - Because his mother had died taking the soma

    *What was soma and why did people take it?
    - soma is a drug they take it because they can feel hallucinations take a holiday from reality whenever you like

    * What did Jhon when he saw Lenina
    - he hit her with the whip

  7. Gracias por las preguntas y más por las respuestas.
    Puede que nos ponga describir un dibujo de los que hay en el libro
    Diferencias entre soma y mescal
    Los colores de los alfa, beta
    Quién es Popé
    La reserva y el nuevo mundo. Diferencias
    Traducción del inglés y del español
    ¿quién es Fordship? ¿Alguien lo sabe?


  8. La soma es la droga que usan los del mundo moderno para curar sus penas y no estar deprimidos y el mescal es otra especie de droga que se usa en el mundo salvaje, se lo lleva uno de los hombres a Linda para mantener realciones con ella.

    Y lo de fordship es como su dios, cuando dice Ford! es como si diijeran o Dios mio! o algo asi...o por lo menos eso creo

  9. Why people don’t like to pronounce the word mother? Because anyone has mother all of them born from a test tubes. They fell embarrassed.

    When the students come to the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, what they were doing? They wrote everything that the director says.

    Why children didn’t like flowers and colored pages? Because when they stay behind of these objects they receive a violent explosion.

    How play girls and boys in the playground? Why? They play naked. Because games must to be complicated than just use a ball and another reason is to think that erotic plays are normal.

    Why was Fanny surprise about Lenina to goes out with Foster too much time? Because everyone belongs to everyone else, so she doesn’t need to be just with Foster.

    What is a feely? Is a form of cinema in which you can feel what is being shown on the screen.

    Who is Helmholtz? And how is he? He is a friend of Bernard. He is an Alfa-plus to, he is really handsome and all the girls want to meet him.

    Where Lennina and Bernard met John? They met him in Malpais in a festival in the square of the pueblo.

    Why Bernard knows that he will be transfer to Iceland? Because he phoned Helmholtz in order to go to his house because he didn’t remember to turn off the tap and he told him the notice.

    How did call John the Director? He called Tomakin.

    What’s happened when the director wants to meet Bernard in the Fertilising room? Bernard appears with Linda and John in the room and when he recognizes both he run out of the room.

    What’s happened in London when everyone knows that a Savage were there? Everyone was curious about to see him.

    What’s happened with Bernard and girls? All of them want to go out with him.

    Where did the Savage decide to go at the end? He went to a lighthouse.
